Part 12: Groundhog Day
Episode 11: Groundhog Day

All right, we're back to doing things with the patisseries again! I'd been trying to forget those existed, but it looks like that's not going to work out. Luckily, we've been investing a ton of money in new patisserie recipes, so Jules should have a great shot at the dessert hall of fame. The patisseries will never make any money, of course, but at least we'll be able to fill our empty restaurants with awards!

But first, let's head back to Munich and check out the renovated Heiliger Klaus.

Welcome to the Merkel dungeon.

In order to be able to arrange the tables in proper Rauten I've had to move the main dining room upstairs where there's more room.

Downstairs, I've added one or two of those slightly creepy statues. Just for atmosphere.

And although it goes against every moral principle I can think of, I've regretfully added beer to the menu. I've also started research into the following types of recipes:
- German main courses
- German desserts
- German appetizers
- German soups
- Italian soups
- American main courses

Heiliger Klaus works like a well-oiled machine now. Once our recipe research finishes, it will truly be a wonderful restaurant.
Now let's go back to a less wonderful restaurant.

Good old I Heart Cake. Last month it made a profit of $966, about 2% of what Heiliger Klaus earned us. Sigh.

I don't think the Hall of Fame committee knows what the word "anonymously" means.

What? Uh, I guess he refuses to eat anything other than pineapple sorbet? Oh well. I'll just add it to the menu. Then we'll wait for him to come back to anonymously review our restaurant next month now that we know who he is and what he wants to eat.

Meanwhile, we're in luck! A guest at Treize à Table wants to sell us another copy of Restaurant Empire!

If our chefs play this, they'll become masters in no time! $100,000 is a steal! I buy it, naturally.

I also buy this turkey sandwich. Surely for something as rare and refined as a turkey sandwich, $50,220 is a small price to pay!

This recipe cost me another $50,220, draining most of my remaining cash. That's $10,000 for each millilitre of milk in this latte!
Later in the day, Clairmont returns to I Heart Cake and calls us over again.

Clairmont, we already had this conversation.
So, the game apparently assumes that there is simply NO WAY you won't have the pineapple sorbet on your menu, so it has no dialogue to account for a situation where Clairmont has to come back and visit your patisserie a second time. Since the dialogue is the same, I'll just skip the parts of the conversation that we've already seen.

You were the one who called me over! Sheesh! I let him finish, then talk to him again.

I really am not sure about the integrity of the dessert hall of fame's anonymous review procedures. How many warnings are we going to get?
I don't know what made him reject the recipe this time. I checked the recipe page and saw that I could increase the recipe quality by about 10% by using better ingredients, so I'll try that and see if he likes it better. I'll also bring Jules back to I Heart Cake from Amo La Torta since she's a better dessert chef.

Clairmont comes back again the next day. I think he may be suffering from short term memory loss.

Phew! We passed. I don't know what the quality threshold is for getting Clairmont to accept your recipe. If we couldn't cook it well enough, I guess I'd have to reload like, several missions back just to give Jules enough time to get her cooking skill up.

To celebrate, let's take a look at some new recipes! I just finished researching all the best patisserie recipes. This is our ultimate cakes, pies & tarts recipe. It's not actually super impressive, our marble cake is better, but if I can get a white chocolate wholesaler, this might get really good.
But man, that's a lot of sugar.

This is our ultimate "ice cream & soberts" recipe, our old friend the guilt free cappuccino sundae! I believe we won more contests with this recipe than with any other recipe in Restaurant Empire 1. It's just amazing.

Our ultimate puddings & gelatin recipe, the Swiss roll! It is neither a pudding nor gelatin.

And the ultimate patisserie beverage recipe. Shouldn't this be a café recipe? It's actually better than all of our current café recipes by a pretty wide margin! I add it to all the patisseries and cafés.

Our other research also pays off. This is our new German main, containing two whole grams of sole!

And our new
*The cannelloni with Bottarga does not contain cannelloni or bottarga.

Bread soup. At least this is exactly what it says on the tin.

We also get this new American main.
We don't get a new Italian soup quite yet. Apparently you start with one level of Italian soups researched, so we'll have to wait until the next tier.

Right, now that's all taken care of, let's go to that dessert contest that Jules was talking about!

It's like poetry; it rhymes.

This is the dessert arena! The contest is all dessert recipes, so we don't really need Delia. I guess we're just bringing her to annoy her.

Round one is cakes. Jules isn't very good at making the marble cake yet, but it's the best we've got.

As always, the audiences that these contests attract astound me.

We've got a decent lead after round one. This shouldn't be too tough.

I spoke too soon about Delia. Café au lait is technically a patisserie recipe, and although she has never made it before, her overall cooking skill with coffee recipes means that she's pretty good at making it.

Damn, Delia.

The nougat parfait isn't our very best option for this round, although it is very high quality, but if we use it to win the contest, there'll be more interest in ordering it from our customers at our French restaurants too, which is something I want.

We win!

We also win this recipe. It's not very exciting, but that's all right. We won the contest!

And the mission!
Next mission, we'll be getting a new restaurant. And holy shit, what a restaurant – it's by far the most ridiculous restaurant in all of Restaurant Empire 1 and 2. And that's saying something!